• Dermal fillers

    Want to restore a youthful look without surgery? Dermal fillers might be the answer. These injectable substances, often hyaluronic acid, plump and smooth wrinkles, lines, and folds on your face. They can also add volume to areas like lips and cheeks. With various types and formulations, dermal fillers offer a personalized approach to address specific concerns. Results are typically immediate and can last for months, depending on the product used and your individual body. However, consulting a qualified healthcare professional is crucial to ensure safe and natural-looking results.


    Looking to smooth out those unwanted lines and wrinkles? Anti-wrinkle injections might be the solution for you. Often featuring Botox or similar substances, these injections target specific facial muscles, temporarily relaxing them to reduce the appearance of wrinkles caused by repeated expressions. The results are typically visible within days and can last for several months. While not a permanent solution, anti-wrinkle injections offer a safe and effective way to achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Consulting a qualified practitioner in London is essential to ensure safe and natural-looking results.


    Skin boosters are injectable hyaluronic acid treatments designed to deliver deep hydration and improve overall skin quality. Unlike fillers that target wrinkles, boosters focus on providing a dewy, plump appearance. Microinjections deliver hyaluronic acid directly into the dermis, stimulating collagen production and enhancing skin texture, elasticity, and tone. This injectable treatment is suitable for various skin types and concerns, offering a subtle yet noticeable improvement for a more youthful and radiant complexion.

  • Nucleofill

    Nucleofill is a revolutionary injectable treatment gaining traction in aesthetics. It goes beyond traditional fillers by containing not just hyaluronic acid (HA) for volume, but also polynucleotides (PNs). PNs act as messengers, stimulating your own collagen and elastin production.

    Imagine achieving natural-looking rejuvenation that extends beyond filling lines. Nucleofill can improve skin texture, elasticity, and hydration, offering a more youthful and radiant appearance. While still under research, initial results are promising.

    If you're looking for a cutting-edge approach to skin rejuvenation, consult a qualified aesthetics practitioner to discuss if Nucleofill is right for you.


    At The Catalyst Clinic, we offer a range of advanced aesthetic solutions to address your skin concerns. Microneedling is a popular treatment that stimulates collagen production, promoting smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin. This minimally invasive procedure involves using fine needles to create micro-channels in the top layer of your skin. The body's natural healing response then kicks in, boosting collagen and elastin production, leading to improved texture, reduced fine lines, and minimized pores. Schedule a consultation with our experts at The Catalyst Clinic in London to explore if microneedling can help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals.


    Exosomes are tiny sacs released by cells that carry important molecules like proteins, lipids, and even genetic material (RNA). They act as messengers, communicating with other cells and influencing their behavior. In the field of aesthetics, exosomes hold promise for several reasons:

    Anti-Aging: Exosomes may stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, proteins that give skin its youthful structure. This could help reduce wrinkles and fine lines, promoting a firmer and smoother appearance.

    Here's a breakdown of the potential benefits:
    Reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
    Firmer and smoother skin
    Improved skin texture and tone
    Reduced visibility of scars
    Overall rejuvenation and a more youthful appearance


    Stubborn pockets of fat got you down? Fat dissolving injections might be the answer. These non-surgical treatments target specific areas like your chin, stomach, or thighs. The injections contain a substance, often deoxycholic acid, that disrupts fat cell membranes, causing the fat to be naturally eliminated by your body. While not a weight-loss solution, they can sculpt and refine your physique. Results are gradual, taking weeks to become noticeable, and multiple sessions may be needed. Remember, a healthy diet and exercise are still crucial for long-term results. Consult a qualified professional in London to see if fat dissolving injections are right for you.


    The TCA peel is a medium-depth chemical peel targeting deeper wrinkles, sun damage, and acne scars. It uses trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to remove damaged outer skin layers. While downtime (around a week of peeling) is greater than lighter peels, results can be dramatic, revealing smoother, brighter, and younger-looking skin. However, due to its strength, consulting a London-based dermatologist or qualified professional is crucial to ensure the peel's suitability for your skin type and concerns.