NAD+ Therapy

Redefining Age-less Living
At The Catalyst Clinic, we offer personalized NAD+ treatment plans tailored to your needs. Our experienced team will guide you through the process, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience. NAD+ can also enhance your
aesthetics results!

NAD+ is gaining traction in the aesthetics field for its potential to enhance the results of various medical treatments. Here's how NAD+ can contribute to a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance:

1. Cellular Repair and Rejuvenation: NAD+ plays a crucial role in cellular repair mechanisms. By increasing NAD+ levels, you might experience:

  • Improved Skin Health: Enhanced collagen production and cell turnover can lead to firmer, more supple skin with a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Reduced Signs of Aging: The potential for improved cellular repair may lead to a more youthful overall appearance.

  • Faster Wound Healing: Increased NAD+ levels can potentially accelerate healing after certain aesthetic procedures.

2. Enhanced Mitochondrial Function: Mitochondria are the "powerhouses" of cells, responsible for energy production. NAD+ is essential for optimal mitochondrial function. By boosting NAD+, you might experience:

  • Increased Energy Levels: Feeling more energized can improve overall well-being and potentially enhance the results of exercise programs that complement aesthetic treatments.

  • Improved Recovery: Faster recovery after procedures is crucial for minimizing downtime and promoting optimal results.

3. Potential Anti-inflammatory Effects: Some studies suggest NAD+ might have anti-inflammatory properties. This could be beneficial for:

  • Reducing Post-Procedure Inflammation: Minimizing inflammation can promote faster healing and a smoother recovery after aesthetic procedures.

  • Improving Skin Quality: Chronic inflammation can contribute to skin concerns like acne and rosacea. NAD+ may potentially help manage inflammation and promote clearer skin.

NAD+ Therapy TREatment process

  • In-Depth Consultation

    Dr Ethan will meet with you for a personalized consultation.

    He’ll discuss your health history, current concerns, and desired outcomes from NAD+ therapy.

    This initial dialogue allows us to tailor a treatment plan that aligns with your unique needs.

  • Bespoke Treatment Options

    Depending on your needs and preferences, we offer two primary delivery methods for NAD+:

    Intravenous (IV) Therapy: NAD+ is delivered directly into your bloodstream through a comfortable IV drip. This method offers the fastest and most efficient absorption into your cells.

    Intramuscular (IM) Injections: NAD+ is injected directly into a muscle, providing a convenient alternative to IV therapy with a slightly slower absorption rate.

  • Safe and Comfortable Experience

    Dr Ethan will ensure you feel comfortable and informed throughout the treatment.

    The NAD+ treatment itself is a relatively quick procedure, typically taking 30-60 minutes for IV therapy and less for IM injections.

  • Tailored Treatment Regimen

    While individual results may vary, NAD+ therapy often involves a series of initial sessions followed by maintenance treatments to sustain optimal benefits.

    We'll work with you to determine the most suitable frequency and duration of your personalized NAD+ treatment regimen.

  • Beyond the Treatment

    We believe in a holistic approach to well-being. We may recommend additional lifestyle modifications or complementary therapies to optimize your NAD+ therapy results.

    Our team is committed to supporting you throughout your journey and helping you achieve your wellness goals.


  • NAD+ is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It’s responsible for transferring electrons and hydrogen in the Krebs cycle, making it a vital component for producing all of the energy your body uses. It’s involved in over 100 metabolic processes, and is considered one of the most essential building blocks for life.

    Unfortunately, NAD+ levels decrease as you age and in response to psychological illnesses. This negatively impacts your health in many ways. Boosting your NAD+ can help restore your natural and healthy levels, enhancing your physical and mental wellbeing.

  • Each vial is packed with 1000mg of active NAD+ ingredient, designed to provide yo with the full range of revitalising effects that NAD+ therapy has to offer.

  • Raising your NAD+ levels through supplements isn’t as effective as through an infusion. Digestion is a problem for NAD+, because the substance is hard for the stomach to break down, making it less bioavailable.

    By bypassing the intestinal tract, the body is able to fully take in and utilize the NAD+ being administered.

    Our NAD+ Home Kits are especially recommended for those trying to have a more comfortable aging process, who are planning to detox, or who suffer from mental illnesses from the comfort of your own home.

  • Restorative processes depend on NAD+, and shortages can cause problems such as metabolic decline, cognitive issues, and a lowered immune system.

    An NAD+ injection supplement helps counteract this, preventing issues before they arise. It also helps protect your neurons against the effects of neurodegenerative diseases.

  • NAD+ infusion therapy is a completely safe treatment option. It’s a natural substance used in the body and is readily incorporated.

  • Most people do not experience any adverse effects from using The Catalyst Clinic NAD+ injectable supplement.

    Should you experience any sensitivity, consider selecting a different site on your body for the next injection. As with any side effect, if symptoms continue, cease use and get in touch with The Catalyst Clinic Clinic team.

    Note: our product is intended for use as directed and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease without consulting with a healthcare professional.

  • We advise caution for those with active cancer, as the potential risks associated with NAD+ usage in this context remain uncertain. If you are in remission or have a history of cancer, we encourage you to reach out to your consultant for tailored advice and guidance on using The Catalyst Clinic NAD+.

  • Replicates, protects and repairs cells

    Enhances production of neurotransmitters, thus improving memory, concentration and mood

    Efficiently utilize nutrients to produce the energy the cells need to function optimally.

    Detoxification – removing waste especially in the brain that interferes with neurotransmitters.

    Increases NO (Nitric oxide) production – improves blood flow and blood pressure.

    Improves vascular endothelial integrity,Reverses insulin resistance and quickly establishes blood glucose regulation.

    It is a powerful antioxidant anti inflammatory agent.

    The brain uses 10 times more NAD+ for energy

    It is protective for the cells

    NAD+ has important neuroprotective function.

    NAD+ boosts metabolism and may help to lose weight.

    Prevents decaying of mitochondria which is a key factor in aging.

  • If it’s your first time using The Catalyst Clinic’s NAD+ kit, we recommend administering a micro-injectable daily for the initial 2 days, followed by every other day thereafter.

    Please seek medical attention from our The Catalyst Clinic Team for more information.

  • If you happen to take more than the suggested amount, don’t worry! The NAD+ in your vial is designed with safety in mind, containing levels that your body can handle. However, it’s always best to stick to the recommended dosage for optimal results.

    In case you do take extra, keep in mind that your body may not effectively absorb or break down the excess NAD supplement. While it’s generally not a cause for concern, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any doubts or experience any unusual symptoms.

  • NAD+ is suitable for adults over the age of 18, if you have any medical conditions please contact your healthcare professional prior to use. This product is NOT suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

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